So here is the low down: The pose is called Vparita Karani and this is what it looks like...doesn't that just look relaxing!?
To perform this pose you will want a round bolster or pillow for your lower back. your legs and bottom should be right up against the wall and your arms should open comfortably out to your sides. You may experience a tingling feeling in your legs but it shouldn't be uncomfortable. For modifications you can drop your legs wide or even bring your knees out and feet in together.
For the best results, practice RIGHT before bed, holding the pose for 15 minutes. Make sure you get into bed right away after! if you stand up and stay vertical for too long after performing this pose, it will give you a burst of energy, making it difficult to fall asleep. In other words, make sure you have brushed your teeth before doing this pose!
Being a wife and mother of an 8 month old, I could DEFINITELY use a better nights rest. So seeing as it is 11 pm, im going to go get myVparita Karani on and hit the sack.
So how did it work for you? it gave my head such a buzz that I had crazy dreams lol. I think it was because I had so much information floating around from bodhi yoga.