Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9 Surprising Benefits of Yoga Practice

So lately, a lot of people have been asking me "why yoga?" Why have I decided to dedicate so much time to one thing and what are the benifits. Well the answer that I give everyone is that the benefits are numerous. There are many reasons for why I chose to get certified, but there are also many benifit to practicing yoga. In this post I will summerize a few of the unexpected benefits that you will get from a regular yoga practice.


1. Healthy skin! Yoga can help you achieve a healthy glow helping your body detox through sweating, balancing hormones, and boosting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the skin. Also yoga movements help the body produce collagen which is essential to the formation of hair, skin and nails. So why spend hundreds of dollars on creams or supplements when yoga will do it for free?

2. Helps supply oxygen to the blood and as a result, oxygen to all parts of the body. Why is this important you ask? Well, here is a quick anatomy lesson. When we breath, oxygen is carried to all the tisues in the body via red blood cells. Without oxygen we go into an anaerobic state. According to some theories, when oxygen doesnt reach the tissues, the tissues go into a unhealthy state in which they survive on fermentation rather than oxygenation. It is believed that cancer thrives in these oxygen deficient conditions. In other words, without oxygen, cells will weaken, die, or may mutate into something that can survive without the normal flow of oxygen, like cancer.

3. A better functioning digestive system.  Yoga practice can help to oxygenate, tone and clear the digestive system. It is a natural cleanse to the GI tract and a healthy way to stimulate a balanced eliminative practice.

4.  Balances hormones. We all have them and we all blame our worst moments on them.... Yoga can help balance the hypothalamus, pitutatry gland, thyroid and also the adrenal glands. How important is this you ask? VERY IMPROTANT. These glands influence almost every cell, organ, and function in our body.  They are crucial in regulating mood, metabolism, sexual and reporductive function, tissue function, our flight or fight response, and sleep patterns. Basically everything you would want functioning well.

5. Helps you handle stress. Yoga helps to balance the sympathetic and parashympathetic nervious systems and heightens awareness and relaxation of the mind.  In other words, it will help increase your brains ability to focus better when in stressful situations.

6. Improves mental functionin and abilty. A balanced practice can help increase concentration, focus and awareness. Regular posture repitition helps to connect the right and left hemisphers of the brain which in turn enhances brain coordination, its ability to conceptualize, and opens the channels of awareness. This repitition can even "re-wire" the brains thought patterns and can take positive experiences and patterns and hardwire them into your daily living.

7. Mindful eating. Studies show that those who practice yoga regularly are genearlly more aware of the food they are putting into their bodies. They also tend to eat healthier and eat right size portions.

8. Confidence. Yoga is beautiful and and as you practice it you will begin to feel that beauty within yourself. With determination and persistance, the balance that yoga brings helps you realize that you can do anything you put your mind to.

9. FINALLY, it can give you a KILLER body! Yoga can be a great cardio workout while toning all the muscles of the body at the same time. It can help you build muscle and lose weight! Everybody's dream right?

So now you have my answer to why yoga, and in return I ask you why not yoga?



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