Thursday, September 19, 2013

Find Your "Wild" Side With This Invigorating Pose

So lately I’ve been trying to incorporate some different poses into my routine and classes. One of my new favorite poses is Camatkarasana, also known as “wild thing.” This pose is fun and challenging, as also comes with some awesome benefits.

Anatomically, this pose focuses on the arms, hips, thighs, and spine. It belongs in the back bend family of poses and might want to be avoided by anyone with a spine injury.

Here is how to get into the pose:

1.    I find that it is easiest to start in downward facing dog. From here, bring your weight onto your left hand and roll onto the outer edge of your left foot (similar to a side plan pose)
2.    On your next inhale, lift your hips and your right leg, stepping it back and placing your toes on the mat behind you with your knee slightly bent
3.    Next, bring your right arm up and out, opening the chest to the sky as much as you can
4.    On your next inhale; curl further into the pose by reaching the right arm behind you and out and flattening your right foot on the mat
5.    Hold for 5-10 breaths before returning to down dog and repeating on the opposite side

This pose is a great chest opener, as well as the shoulders and throat. It also can open and stretch the hips and hip flexor muscles.  Finally, it can build strength in the core and upper back muscles. Aside from the physical benefits, this pose has some therapeutic benefits as well. Wild thing can help revitalize you by fighting fatigue. It is the perfect pose for when you are stuck in a routine and need new life in your practice. Finally, in light of the fall and winter season that is fast approaching, this pose can be great at helping ease the side effects of mild or seasonal depression. So next time you need a quick pick me up, try unrolling your mat and working your way into this awesome pose!


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