Monday, September 16, 2013

Children's Yoga: Discovering the World Through Yoga!

One class that I plan to add to my schedule in the near future is a yoga class for children.  In the past few years, there has emerged a growing number of  children yoga classes being taught in schools and studios all over. For some, this might seem strange, but in this post I will tell you how yoga can benefit not only adults but children of all ages.

Our children are growing up in an extremely fast paced world. Their schedules are often packed with rigorous school curriculums, music lessons, and competitive sports; not to mention family responsibilities such as chores etc. The bustling pace of our kid’s lives can have a profound effect on their happiness—and sometimes not for the better.

Introducing a yoga practice can help counter the pressures of every day life. Yoga can help children to learn techniques for relaxation, inner fulfillment, and self-health, which can result in them being able to navigate life’s challenges with less stress.

Some surprising benefits of kid’s yoga are:
-       Improved fine motor skills
-       Improved mental acuity and focus
-       Improved hand—eye coordination
-       Improved mind/body developmental awareness
-       Improved coping skills
-       Increased awareness and sense of self
-       Lots of Fun!!!

 Yoga also encourages self-esteem and body awareness in an activity that is noncompetitive.  Now I don’t see anything wrong with a little healthy competition, however kids seem to get more than their healthy dose of it these days.  By incorporating noncompetitive hobbies into our children’s lives we encourage cooperation and compassion, instead of opposition—which is a great gift to give to our children.

Yoga also has physical benefits for children. It enhances strength, coordination, body awareness, and flexibility.  In addition it can improve their ability to concentrate and relax. No wonder schools across the world are starting to incorporate yoga classes into their curriculums!

Yoga classes for children are very different than your traditional yoga classes. Yoga classes for kids integrate storytelling, games, music, language and other arts into each asana or pose.  It provides a creative environment and a way to learn and discover the world through a non-traditional way.

Stay tuned for some children’s yoga and “mommy and me” classes to be added to my schedule!


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