Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hands On Adjustments

In my past experience with yoga, I have found that many teachers are afraid of touching their students, and also some students decline adjustments in their practice.  But as I have nearly completed my certification and have progressed in my journey as a teacher, I have found a tremendous benefit to hands on adjustments.  In this post I would like to share some of the guidelines and benefits of hands on adjustments that I have learned.

Hands on adjustments bring a new element to a yoga classroom. It is a traditional means of passing knowledge from teacher to student.  This is a powerful teaching tool.  Not only can that it help students to go deeper into a stretch, but it can help the student learn the proper alignment and positioning for the asana. On a different level, hands on adjustments help to create a trusting bond between teacher and student.

In my practice as a teacher, I have come to find 3 reasons for adjustments. They are as follows:

1.     Offer Support or Balance.  I have found that some reassuring hands on adjustments during more difficult asanas can really help the student to feel more confident in the pose.  It helps them move into the pose correctly and prevents risk of injury caused by improper posture during an asana. The students learn to trust in me as a teacher and in their own body’s capacity.
2.     Suggest Direction. This can be achieved with light acupressure or through movement of my hands in specific directions. This can be used as a gentle reminder to the student to expand deeper into the specific pose.
3.     Help Students Experience the Pose Differently. Oftentimes with a small adjustment, the student can have a completely different experience in the asana. With assistance, they may be able to go more deeply into a pose with less resistance.

There are some occasions where I choose not to do hands on adjustments. Sometimes my energy level is lower or the energy of the class is taking me in a different direction. As a teacher I have learned to honor myself and my students, and respect where the energy is taking us.

Most of my students appreciate the hands on adjustments. By offering these adjustments, and respecting the trust each student places in me, I have seen my students more fully comprehend the asana and their yoga experience.


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